
15.3 Prep.  Today is the day you will get your muscle up.

Here is a little shoulder work to prepare for Muscle Ups from K-Star

Pay close attention to the hint provided in this.  We see this a lot  with athletes that are very close to achieving a muscle up.  The elbows flair out a little and they miss the receiving position in the bottom of the dip.  If you have not had an opportunity to read Coach Jed's advise on Facebook, please do so on his FB page.  

Foot softening and ankle mobility after the high volume of double-unders in 15.3 is going to be essential.  Take a look at this.  This video is specific to Plantar Fasciitis but it will make your feet, ankles and lower leg feel much better and it can help align your lower leg so you are in a better position while doing the DU's.

Use the same techniques from last weeks squat series for the Wall Balls this week.

Any questions please let us know.  We are here to help.

Push hard, stay calm, and have fun.