Sunday, October 21, 2012

REST DAY-Go for a Walk

How is everybody doing on recovery work? Are you taking time to stretch out at home? Are you taking fish oil? Are you taking active rest days?

Announcements: Fundraiser 5K Walk/Run and Halloween

There will be a 5K Walk/Run fundraiser on October 27, 2012 to support Firefighter Jeanie Allen in her fight against cancer. Registration will be from 8:00am-9:00am at the Gazebo at Crossroads Park on North Poplar. Registration is $20.00 and the race will start at 9:00 am. There wil be an optional "King and Queen of the Hill" sprint hallenge after the 5k. For more information contact Jenn Henderson 267-8309. Wear your CF307 Swag!

On Halloween, we'll be programming an All Hallow's Wod for the classes. Costumes Encouraged so start thinking about what you're going to WOD in!