Thursday, October 4th, 2012


Susie Mayhue, COME ON DOWN! Susie is often in the 4:30 class rockin' and rollin'. She works hard, sets ambitious goals and pushes herself past her comfort zone. Every day she's getting stronger and stronger. Keep up the good work Susie!

SKILL: Muscle Up

Develop banded Muscle Ups as a scale for MU's in a WOD.

WOD: Two 7 Minute AMRAPs

7 Pull Ups/14 Double Unders

Rest Two Minutes

7 Pistols/7 Ring Dips

REC: 15/15-GHD Sit Ups/Abmat Sit Ups - 3 Rounds

We want to know, what motivates each of you to come in everyday and fight through these grueling WODs? We'd love to hear your answer and you can post it to comments if you'd like but hopefully each of you is thinking about the answer to this question when the going gets tough enough to make you want to stop.