Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Glad to see we survived another apocalypse prediction.  We have a lot or work to do and an apocalyptic meltdown would've really put a damper on things.

Skill/Strength:  Pick a weakness and work on it for 10 minutes

WOD:  "Run, Run, Rudolph, Run" (Let's see if this turns your nose red!)

5 Rounds for Time

6 Ring Dips

12 Push Press (115/75)

20 Box Jumps (24/20)

Run 400 Meters

Don't forget that there are NO CLASSES on Christmas Eve but the box is still open until Noon.  You'll have some choices of what you want to do, so get in early!  

The gym will be closed on Christmas but we'll post a WOD you can do at home, requiring little or no equipment.