Saturday, September 22, 2012

SKILL: Rope Climbing practice. We currently have the two different lengths of rope. You can practice on either rope depending on your ability. If you are new at this, practice on the 11-12 foot rope and practice technique using your legs and feet. You can work on building strength by laying on your back and pulling yourself up to standing while maintaining a rigid inverted plank position as shown at the end of this video.

Rope Climbing

WOD: 15 Minute AMRAP

12 Front Squats (135/95)

8 Box Jumps (30/24)

REC: One minute max burpees

Use time at home over the weekend and find something to roll out sore muscles. You can use a baseball bat as a roller, as one idea. The point is to take extra time for yourself during your day to help yourself in your own recovery. You don't have to wait until class time to use a foam roller. It'll make each WOD a bit easier and more satisfying if you aren't constantly battling sore muscles. Take ownership for your rest and recovery, they are every bit as important as the work you are doing. We've got some good times in store for you over the next two weeks of our squat snatch progression, so if you've been away, get in the box!