Friday, September 28, 2012

Raising The Bar

Giving a shout out to three of our athletes who recently reached new PRs. Our very own Mrs. Davis nailed a new Push Jerk PR of 130 Pounds, which is friggin' awesome! Rhen "I love getting up early for WODs" Etzelmiller hit a new hang clean of 225 today after the knee jump practice; and Lisa lowered her 500 m row time to 1:50. Awesome efforts! PRs are a big deal and it's our aim to help you to continually reach them so let us know when you accomplish something you've never done before so we can celebrate with you. Nice work everyone, keep it up!


Try out several variations: Kettlebell, Heavy Kettlebell, Balancing a Wall Ball in your hand instead of a kettlebell, Empty barbell, Loaded Barbell. They all present a different challenge and require focus and strength. Technique Reminder: Look up through your thumb the whole time! Good luck and have fun with it.

WOD: 17 Minute AMRAP

1 Lap Kettlebell Farmer Carry (2/1.5)

6 Power Cleans (185/135)

12 Box Jumps (30/24)

15 Deadlifts (same bar as Cleans)

REC: 3 Minutes Max 10 Meter Back and Forth Sprints

Each length counts as one rep, only completed lengths count. Touch the ground with your hand at each turn.