Friday, September 7th, 2012

The KJ

This WOD is in recognition of our very own Kelly Jo Smith. I borrowed parts of this from my L1 seminar in Park City and really liked it. KJ, in case you didn't know it, is a CrossFit HQ seminar coach and puts unsuspecting souls through WODs like this as a Weekend Warrior. It's a team WOD in recognition of all of her work in preparing Team307 for the Wyoming Affiliate Cup. Thanks KJ for all you've done for the 307!

WOD: Outdoor Team Relay. Two Rounds for time. (Explanation: 3 or 4 person teams. Coach can create the teams if they choose. Mix guys and girls. Teams can split reps however they want but total has to equal 150 reps for teams of 3 or 200 reps for teams of 4. If it's raining out, Coach has the option of keeping it indoors, switch to 2 person teams and 100 total reps for each move and an 800 m run for each leg of the run.)

Round One: Double Unders and HOD Push Ups. DUs will be done outside the main door, entire team must finish all reps before running up to the corner of Blackmore and Landmark. Once the entire team is at the corner, the team will do the HOD Push ups together. Once all reps are finished, the team can run back to the main door for round two.

Round Two: Same format as round one but replace the DUs with kettle bell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (24/16) and replace the Push ups with Mountain Climbers. (knee must touch the elbow /tricep for the rep to count, each leg is a rep.) Run all the way back into the box to finish up.

Team Score is the time of the last person onto the black mat inside the box. Have fun with this one and encourage each other! Team up with someone you don't know or normally work with.

REC: 3 Minute AMRAP of Abmat Sit Ups. Set a goal of 100 sit ups. Remember, touch your shoulders to the ground in the back position, sit all the way up so your elbows are at least even with the front of your knees in the up position. Get after it!

*Lastly*, there are more WODbooks on order. We're happy to see them being used and we'll have more shortly.