Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

The CrossFit Open is Here!!!  The first WOD will be announced at 6:00 P.M. MST.  We've got a great group of athletes signed up to participate, including a large number of our newest OnRamp graduates, which is friggin' awesome!  This is an opportunity for all of you to see where you are at.  Times like these are when we often find out the most about ourselves and discover that we are stronger than we thought.  Get signed up, even if you don't feel like you do the WODs rx'd, just get signed up and participate.  It's an incredible atmosphere and if you're on the fence, I promise you won't regret it.  Any guesses on what the first WOD will be?  Post your guess to comments.

Saturdays will be busy with the majority of people going for broke.  A sign up sheet will be in the box Wednesday night or Thursday for time slots on Saturday morning.  If you can't make it Saturday morning, you can also come Thursday at 6:00 pm or Friday at noon.  Contact a coach if those don't work.  

Strength:  Shoulder Press  5-5-5-5-5-5-5

We've programmed in a small press progression over the next three weeks, starting with shoulder press at a higher volume and working up to a one rep push jerk max.  Keep track of what weight you do today's reps at because the goal will be to increase by 30% next week when we do Push Press.

WOD:  Mainsite WOD

For time


40 Pull Ups

50 KB Swings (1.5/1)

60 Abmat Sit Ups

70 Burpees

REC:  90 seconds of max ring dips, followed by 5 minutes of Double Under practice.