Sunday, April 7th, 2013


CrossFit307 would like to give a big shout out to all of you that worked so hard over the last year.  Everyone put in a lot of hard work and it was evident during the Open.  Many of you accomplished things during the Open that you had not accomplished up to that point.  Some of you snatched weight, pressed weight, got your chest to bar, jumped on boxes, did wall balls, got muscle ups and thrustered weight you had never done before.  It was inspiring to watch and we hope you all had fun and felt a sense of accomplishment.  

Thanks to everyone that came and ate some grub at the Stampede.  We want to have more gatherings like that in the near future and are looking at going to Wyoming Cavalry and Casper Cutthroat games together.

Welcome our newest OnRamp class!

5:30 class working on their Bicep Curl One rep max.

Can't Ban These Guns!