Friday 7/18/2014

Wear something festive today!  Let's celebrate July!

3x to Failure Power Cleans at 50% Max

WOD - Christmas in July
1 Bar Muscle Up (scale with Burpee Pull Up)
2 Wall Walks
3 Bear Crawl Lengths (cones will be set up)
4 Dumbbell Snatch (45/35) (2 each side, not 4 each side)
5 Toes-to-Bar
6 Pistols
7 Hang Cleans (135/95)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Ring Dips
10 V-Ups
11 Calories on Rower
12 Squat Clean Thruster (135/95)

Round 1: Do 1 bar muscle up
Round 2: 2 wall walks and 1 bar muscle up
Round 3: 3 bear crawl lengths and 2 wall walks and 1 bar muscle up for round 3
and so on...

Roll Out!