Wednesday 4/1/2015

Jason's Friends
Showdown 2015

April 25th
Teams of 3
Any gender or age combination
Multiple WODs
Free Shirts
After Party

As displayed at the Open, The 307 is 100% about our community.  This will be a lightly competitive but friendly event to celebrate Jason and everything his foundation does throughout our community.  Workouts will be designed for anyone at any age or skill level.  There will be no official scoring or judging.  100% of proceeds will be given to the Jason's Friends Foundation.

Run 1 Lap backwards
2x6 Glute Ham Raise
2x20 Abmat Situps
2x10 Wall Balls 11'

3x10 Banded Deadlifts

12 Min AMRAP
60 Wall Balls (20/14)
50 Double Unders
40 HOD Pushups
30 Toes to Bar
20 GHD Situps
Max Burpees

3x 10-12 Strict HSPU