Wednesday 4/29/2015

Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us for the Jason's Friends Showdown last weekend.  You helped us raise $4200!  The magic of the 307 at its finest. Check out the pictures here.

Run 2 Laps
3x3 Muscle Ups
3x10 GHD Situps
3x10 Good Mornings (45/35)

3x20 Banded Deadlifts

WOD - Muscle Garden (Throwdown '13)
12 min Clock
Shared Burden with a partner.
50 Deadlifts (225/155)
1 Lap each (alternating, tag hands before and after each lap)
50 Toes to Bar
1 Lap each (alternating)
50 Overhead Squats (135/95)
1 Lap each (alternating)
Max Muscle Ups in remaining time

3x10 Renegade Rows