1555 Saturday 9/24/2016

Good luck to everyone from Team307 heading to Girls Gone Rx this weekend!

Run 4 Laps *Increase Speed each lap
2 Rounds
20 Hollow Rocks
20 GHD Back Extensions
10 Box Jump Overs

4x4 DB Squat Clean and Jerks
*Use 2 DBs

Partner WOD
Alternate full movement with partner
2 Rounds
12 Thrusters (115/75)
15 Pullups
18 GHD Situps
50 Double Unders
12 Snatch (115/75)
18 T2B
50 Double Unders
*Double Unders are done at the same time.
*P1 does 12 Thrusters, then P2 does 12, then P1 does 15 pullups, then P2 does 15 etc...

We will also be hosting the WOD for the Doyles. Heats will run from 2-4pm. Sign up at the desk. We are taking donations of any kind to go 100% to the Doyles.