1726 Friday 4/14/2017

No classes Fri or Sat. Have a great Easter weekend!

Definition time. In our programming you'll see some terms that are used intentionally depending on the intended stimulus we'd like you to be getting from the exercise. We'd like to define some of these so you better understand what you're going for.
Work to a Heavy - This is not a max out necessarily. You're working to a weight that is heavy for you that day while still maintaining perfect form. This usually shows up for a reason and it is not to set a record. This day is preparing you for that day sometime in the near future.
Find a 1RM - This means you are looking to find your heaviest lift for this day. You cannot always PR every day. You, right now, have a 1RM that you can walk into the gym and hit with good form any day of the week. This isn't a lifetime PR necessarily. It is where you are in your training right now. This is the weight you are going for when we say Find a 1RM. If you happen to be having a super strong day, you just might set a personal record. In any case when we specifiy that you are going heavy, you do not want to practice missing lifts. Don't attempt lifts you know you cannot hit. When you do miss, make sure you learn something from the miss so it's not a net negative in your overall workout. If you have questions, please ask!

2 Rounds
50 Double Unders
15 Wall Balls, Heavy

3x8 Good Mornings

3 Rounds
50 Double Unders
10 S2O (115/75)
10 Front Squats
10 Thrusters
Rest 2 min

Run 1 mile for time