When you check out the WOD you will see 4 different sections of work that we will perform in class that day.  Our programming is written in 7 week blocks.  6 weeks of hard work followed by a deload week.  Our deload week will usually be a lower amount of volume or intensity or both.  Deload weeks are extremely important in your long term training regimen.


You can get started on the warmup on your own.  Your goal is to get as much completed as you can before Coach starts getting the group together to go through some additional warmup drills.  You should break and sweat and start breathing harder than usual here.  Your goal is to get additional volume/practice of exercises that will be showing up in that day's or a following day's workout.  Take the warmup seriously and do all your movement perfectly to develop good movement patterns.  If you have any questions about the movements, now is a great time to talk to your Coach and learn proper technique.


After warming up, your Coach will go over the strength portion for the day.  He/she will describe what you will be doing and why.  Ask questions before you begin so you know exactly what you will be accomplishing when you begin working.  Our strength programming is varied but not random.  It may seem like it but we usually have progressions going for all our movements.


The workout of the day.  This will be the intense portion of your class time.  Depending on the amount of people in your class and the movements/equipment, class could be run in heats.  Your Coach will determine all this for you.  All you have to do is give it all you got.  Coach will go over the workout and describe what you are trying to accomplish today. Ask questions before the clock starts.


Required Extra Credit.  We leave time after the WOD for you to work on skill work, additional strength, and assistance exercises.  The REC is an important time for you to cool your body down from the WOD and get additional valuable volume/practice on movements that might be coming in the days ahead.