Tuesday 12/31/2013

Happy New Year's Eve!  No classes today but the gym will be open 5am-6pm.

KB Snatch 5x6 (3 each arm, go heavy)

WOD: Nutts
15 Deadlift (250/165)
25 Box Jumps (30/24)
50 Pullups
100 Wall Balls (20/14)
200 DU (scale with 5 mins of DU work if you don't have them)
400m Run with 45# plate

3x15 GHD Situps

There's a whole lot of info pro and con about the Paleo diet out there.  At the 307, we don't completely promote 100% paleo, but we do believe that it's a great base to build from.  For an aspiring CrossFit athlete, transitioning to Paleo, or a modified Paleo, will help your performance.  It will also help your overall health.  It's worth a try if you're not already convinced.  Here's a nice little article that puts a lot of answers together in one spot for you.  We'd love to hear your thoughts. (Thanks Becky for sending us this link!)