Monday, Sept 23rd, 2013

Weekly Warm Up:  5 Scorpions ea. side, 10 Knees-to-Elbows, 10 Medball Squat Cleans, 10 KB Swings 

Strength:  Front Rack Lunges 3x10-12

WOD:  Partner Throwdown Wod #2

12 minute AMRAP (Only one partner can work at a time)

50 Deadlift (225/155)

Each Sprint 1 Lap

50 Toes to Bar

Each Sprint 1 Lap

50 Overhead Squats (135/95)

Each Sprint 1 Lap

Max Muscle Ups in remaining time

REC:  With a partner, 10 rounds for each person:  10 Clapping Push ups while partner does max double unders