Friday 11/27/2015

No classes today!

20% off all apparel today in the shop!

Row, Run, Ski or Ride 2 min
3x10 Pistols
3x4 Get Ups
3x10 KB Vups

3x10 Romanian Deadlifts

Partner WOD
50 Double Unders Each
100 Shared Burden Swings (2/1.5)
40 Double Unders Each
80 Shared Burden Wall Balls (20/14)
30 Double Unders Each
60 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)
20 Double Unders Each
40 T2B
10 Double Unders Each
20 Shared Burden Parallette HSPU
*Do Double Unders at the same time. Don't start next stage until both are done with DU.