Event #1:

We’re kicking off the 2015 Throwdown with a burner!

Full team WOD - All teammates work at the same time
15 min AMRAP
This is a 100 point event

There are 4 stations, one athlete at each station. Your team may decide who starts on each station.  Rotation flows in only one direction: Row, Snatch, Ride and HSPU, then back to row.  When the time starts, all athletes may start accumulating reps at their respective station. Rotation is determined by the rower.  When the athlete on the rower reaches 20 Cal, all must switch stations.  If you are in the middle of a rep at the switch call, you may finish that rep for points but may not start another rep.  All athletes rotate. The athlete on HSPU will then move to the rower which will be reset to 0 Cal and begin accumulating points.  This rotation will continue for 15 mins.

At the time when 40 points (station points listed below) are reached at any station, the judge will alert the athlete at that station.  The athlete must then stop working, leave the station, and move your team’s score marker up one mark. 

Station values:
Row: 1 Cal = 1 Point (move score marker every 40 Calories)
Snatch (115/75): 1 Rep = 2 Points (move score marker every 20 reps)
Bike: 1 Cal = 1 Point (move score marker every 40 Calories)
HSPU: 1 Rep = 2 Points (move score marker every 20 reps)

In the Row, your team may set the damper at any level you choose.  The rower will be reset to zero Cal after each athlete.

In the snatch, the barbell goes directly from the ground to overhead in one motion without stopping at the shoulders. Any form of snatch is allowed.  Men will use 115# and Women 75#.  You will have 2 bars.

On the Assault Bike, you will not have to do anything but ride.  Your Calories will be a running total on the display.  At 40, 80, 120 Cal and so on, the Athlete will have to leave the bike to move the score marker.  Move to HSPU when the alert is given.

For Handstand Pushups: Same standards as last year. We will not be using the new Open standards. The HSPU begins and ends with the arms locked out, back towards the wall, heels on the wall and the hands placed clearly within the marked area.  The marked area will be 34” W x 24” D and the palm of the hand must remain completely within the taped area (fingers may extend over the tape).  At the bottom of the rep, the head touches the ground.  The heels must remain within the width of the marked area throughout the entire rep.  Kipping is allowed.  You will be performing these on a mat where your head will come down to an even elevation as your hands.  No plates or abmats will be used.  

The markers are not your final score.  They are for our awesome fans to be able to know where each team is at throughout the workout. Your team will get credit for all reps completed, not just the spaces moved.