Event #3:

Event 3 is the second partner WOD of the day.  The two athletes who didn’t participate in Event 2 must compete in Event 3. The WOD is a 10 min AMRAP.

At the start, the first athlete may be holding their rope. The second athlete will be waiting to the side.

In 10 min, Your team will first complete 5 Rounds of:

Athlete 1:
20 Double Unders
10 Bar Hopping Burpees

Then, athlete 2:
20 Double Unders
10 Bar Hopping Burpees

Then, AMRAP of Thrusters (165/105) in remaining time.

Each athlete will complete a block of DU and Burpees before the next athlete will start a block.  When the first athlete is doing burpees, the second athlete may be holding their rope and begin when the 10th burpees is complete.  Each athlete will complete 5 full rounds (total: 100 DU and 50 Burpees).  Once the second athlete finishes the last burpee of the last set, either athlete may start doing Thrusters.  There is no minimum for thrusters.  Each thruster will be counted towards your overall rep total. 

Movement Standards:

Double Unders: This is the standard double-under in which the rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.

Bar Hopping Burpees:  There is no requirement for the orientation of your body to the bar you are hopping over.  The burpee starts at a stand and goes down to chest and thighs touching the ground at the bottom.  You must then jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet.  One footed jumping or stepping is not allowed.  Your hands must be off the ground before you begin your jump. No explosive pushups over the bar :)

Thrusters:  The barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to a full lockout overhead.  The hip crease must pass below the knees.  A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed.

Scoring: Each round is worth 60 reps with a total of 300 reps for 5 complete rounds.  Each thruster is worth 1 rep. This is a 100 point event.